This was the postest-modernest thing I've ever read, or heard of someone having read, but I feel like I understand the alt-right a little better for having read it.
Kanye reference not witstanding, I do like that a lot better than mine. :-)
Also: The people that run Popehat kick ass. I only started following their various postings regularly back in October. Prior to that I only saw the stuff that others linked.
(Note for Bill: the author knows whereof he speaks and like 90% of his twitter feed is grousing about how this or that isn't nearly as big a deal as the media claims, regardless of ideology, so one should be inclined to believe him here.)
Yeah, there are like 10+ people on their Blog/Facebook, but is still over 3/4 Ken White. :-)
Ken White was recently on Fox News too, specifically with relation to Trump/Russia. It was... strange to see someone taking Trump/Russia seriously on that network. Most of the people on that network are still advocating for firing Mueller.
So... the inmate being transgender matters to this lawsuit and story so much that it is not only mentioned in the headline, but also several times in the opening paragraphs, and then they still refer to the inmate by their biological gender in the story. Yet, even the lawsuit refers to them as "Ms.".
I wonder what it is that the story is trying to say, other than Wicca not being a recognized religion.
Its amazing how large of a problem people impersonating an officer is. But a group of 8 people collaborating with their own... well... volunteer cop department is a new one.
It reminds me of the opening of the Batman movie (I think, The Dark Night) that opens with Batman beating down some bad-guys in a parking garage. Everything is going, as expected, and then something happens and the tables are turned. Then, the real Batman shows up (surprise) and saves the fake Batman. Everyone wants to be Batman.
This is what I think about, when you hear about people pretending to be law enforcement (where it was not for the purpose of committing a crime).
After Gerald Ford left the White House in 1977, intimates said that the former President privately justified his pardon of Richard Nixon by carrying in his wallet a portion of the text of the Burdick decision that suggested that a pardon carries an imputation of guilt and that acceptance carries a confession of guilt.
I forget where I read it, but I believe that Nixon looked into pardoning himself before resigning. He got the recommendation that it probably wouldn't hold up (and wouldn't prevent an impeachment).
But hey, we're supposed to be talking about the football players or something instead of this distracting Russia stuff, no? :-)
Probably the worst thing about Trump is that Americans can no longer, in good conscience, laugh at Italy and Berlusconi.
"Master persuader" (R) (tm) 1967 (colorized)
Sorry, burning rubber is not a form of protected speech, police in Maine say
Wow. Now we just need police officers to pull people over and yell at them about believing World Net Daily, The Blaze, and Alex Jones.
...or at least whatever it is that made them elect that dumpster-fire Governor.
Hmm . Burning rubber. Dumpster fire. I should have tried to find a way to put those together.
Listening to that man speak is like reading everything my grandfather shares on Facebook, but at random.
(I haven't missed him being on the talk show circuits).
Ima stop you right there, as the perfect comparison has already been made:
Kanye reference not witstanding, I do like that a lot better than mine. :-)
Also: The people that run Popehat kick ass. I only started following their various postings regularly back in October. Prior to that I only saw the stuff that others linked.
Obviously I was missing out.
Popehat's great, yeah. I think the twitter account is just the one guy (Ken White), though the blog has a couple of other contributors.
He had an article the other day on why the raid on Trump's lawyer's office is a big deal:
(Note for Bill: the author knows whereof he speaks and like 90% of his twitter feed is grousing about how this or that isn't nearly as big a deal as the media claims, regardless of ideology, so one should be inclined to believe him here.)
Yeah, there are like 10+ people on their Blog/Facebook, but is still over 3/4 Ken White. :-)
Ken White was recently on Fox News too, specifically with relation to Trump/Russia. It was... strange to see someone taking Trump/Russia seriously on that network. Most of the people on that network are still advocating for firing Mueller.
He gave his dashcam video to cops to clear his name. Instead, it got him new charges.
Link courtesy of popehat.
(Also: Why can't it be both?)
I never did figure out how to link on mobile.
Scientists Have Finally Found Proof That Uranus Smells Terrible
I pronounce Uranus as urine-us.
...and now that I type it out I see that isn't much better. Heh.
Transgender Inmate in NC Prison Sues for Right to Practice Witchcraft
So... the inmate being transgender matters to this lawsuit and story so much that it is not only mentioned in the headline, but also several times in the opening paragraphs, and then they still refer to the inmate by their biological gender in the story. Yet, even the lawsuit refers to them as "Ms.".
I wonder what it is that the story is trying to say, other than Wicca not being a recognized religion.
I just look for amusing headlines.
Mysterious car dangling from Toronto bridge over Don Valley puzzles police
Detached Human Feet Keep Washing Ashore in This Peaceful Canadian Province
Japanese Rail Operator Says Sorry For 'Inexcusable' Departure 25 Seconds Early
Fen... your adopted country is going to shit.
Publix wouldn't write Summa Cum Laude on graduation cake due to profanity
Fake cops responded to 911 calls fooling police for years
Its amazing how large of a problem people impersonating an officer is. But a group of 8 people collaborating with their own... well... volunteer cop department is a new one.
It reminds me of the opening of the Batman movie (I think, The Dark Night) that opens with Batman beating down some bad-guys in a parking garage. Everything is going, as expected, and then something happens and the tables are turned. Then, the real Batman shows up (surprise) and saves the fake Batman. Everyone wants to be Batman.
This is what I think about, when you hear about people pretending to be law enforcement (where it was not for the purpose of committing a crime).
Trump: "I have the absolute right to pardon myself"
On the bright side, considering a self-pardon was one of the very last things Nixon did before resigning.
Unless I'm missing something, Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon.
I wonder if Trump is familiar with this aspect...
Sure, but Nixon had to no longer be president for that to happen, was the point.
I forget where I read it, but I believe that Nixon looked into pardoning himself before resigning. He got the recommendation that it probably wouldn't hold up (and wouldn't prevent an impeachment).
But hey, we're supposed to be talking about the football players or something instead of this distracting Russia stuff, no? :-)